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Aesthetic Goals and Body Image: a Happy Middle Ground
This is the time of year when all the new years resolutions start coming out, and as a trainer I am required to say something inspiring...

Why I CHOSE an Emergency C-section: (part of) My Birth Story
I used to think that a C-section was a worst-case scenario. I was totally enamored by the idea of a natural, unmedicated birth, and...

My Top Tip for Training during Pregnancy
There are a few things that are MORE important than training your core during pregnancy

Top 5 Pregnancy Core Exercises
Women are obsessed with doing "core" exercises, and I get asked almost daily what exercises you should do for your core during pre

My Prenatal Fitness "Programme"
Now that I'm postpartum I want to share with you a retrospective view of my training through pregnancy. I write "programme" in inverted...

Sample Glute Circuit #1
There are a million different ways to put together an effective glute circuit. Here's a nice little banded glute activation warm-up for...

Breastfeeding and Exercise Q&A: Can I make a diastasis or damage my joints if I exercise while b
Q: Hi Jen, I'm looking for some advice... My post natal yoga teacher said that whilst breast feeding the pregnancy hormones remain in...
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