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Are Planks Safe During Pregnancy?
You've probably heard that they're "not safe". You've probably ALSO heard that they are perfectly safe. Welcome to the wonderful world of...
My Top Tip for Training during Pregnancy
There are a few things that are MORE important than training your core during pregnancy
Top 5 Pregnancy Core Exercises
Women are obsessed with doing "core" exercises, and I get asked almost daily what exercises you should do for your core during pre
My Prenatal Fitness "Programme"
Now that I'm postpartum I want to share with you a retrospective view of my training through pregnancy. I write "programme" in inverted...
If you'd prefer to listen to a video about this you can check out this video that I made on the same topic One of my aims during this...
Can you do Handstands during Pregnancy?
Handstands while pregnant: here's everything that you need to know... If you ask this question, most people will tell you a resounding...
Prenatal Fitness Series
Pre- and post-natal fitness is not usually as black and white as people make out. Most exercises have good and bad aspects, and will be...
Prenatal Fitness Series - #6 The Handstand
Pre- and post-natal fitness is not usually as black and white as people make it out to be. Most exercises have good and bad aspects and...
Prenatal Fitness Series - #4
Prenatal fitness dos and don'ts series Pre- and Postnatal fitness is not usually as black and white as people make out. Most exercises...
Prenatal Fitness Series - #2 The Airsquat
Prenatal fitness dos and don'ts series In this series we're going to look at specific exercises and the pros and cons of doing them...
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