Stop doing the dumb shit you did in your 20s to lose weight - it didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.
Find out the exact method I use to help my clients lose weight in their 30s, without working out all the time or cutting out their favourite foods…. For FREE!
This 10-day course will give you....

Exactly how to eat quick and simple foods like sandwiches and still lose a shit ton of weight
Clarity on what to eat and when and how much
Sort your head out and get in the right mindset to lose weight so you don’t get fuckititis and ruin all your progress
Make a SIMPLE plan so you don’t get starving hungry and start shoving your kids soggy chicken nuggets in your face
My top tips for TRACKING PROPERLY and the most common (but silly) mistakes that people make to fuck it up and make it more complicated than it needs to be
Guidance on how to fit in all your favourite fun foods so you can stop cutting them out completely, then binging on them 45 minutes later
A basic training plan so you can stop spending all your workout time trying to figure out what to do, then not actually doing it.
Tips on getting FULLNESS from foods so that you’re not starving hungry and miserable while losing weight
And how to do ALL THIS with kids, a demanding job and after pregnancy and childbirth has fucked your body up
Who the hell is Jen Curtis?
Jen has helped mums for over a decade to lose weight, build muscle, change their fucked up relationship with food and transform their health whilst juggling busy lives and kids.

When I started working with Jen, I was 5 weeks postpartum with my third baby within four years and was 55 lbs heavier than I was before I had kids.
I lost 20lbs within 3 months working with Jen, then another 17.5 lbs in the 5 months following - all while breastfeeding, looking after 3 kids and returning to work.

“The Complete Postpartum Programme was so valuable after birth. When I hit 6 weeks postpartum, I didn't know where to start!
The programme helped me gently ease into exercise and really focus on my body's healing. Working through the levels helped me get to a place where I can confidently return to my pre-birth exercise routines.
I highly recommend it! ”

“I can honestly say this is the first time in my pregnancy when I felt totally empowered.
I can finally do my favourite exercises with dumbbells and resistance bands in my first trimester?!
So glad I've joined you!
Thank you Jen!”