move better, feel stronger in just 12 minutes a day

I'll show you how to:
Get strong,
Recover from birth,
Change the way your body looks and feels
All without driving yourself batshit crazy with cleanses, wraps and 5.30am workouts to obnoxious music

You gave birth recently (weeks, months, years).
You want to live your day-to-day life without aches and pains
You want to get up off the floor with ease
You want to feed your baby without back and shoulder pain
You want to start recovering and healing your body
You have less than 15 minutes a day to dedicate to self-care
You don't know how to exercise
You're afraid of doing some damage to your body by starting exercise
perfect for you if:
but can I tell you one thing that sucks & one thing that's great?
Most mums live their entire life without EVER getting to a point where they feel 100% happy and confident with how their body looks and feels.
Sure, they might have scars or loose skin and they’re ok with that.
But they also have constant back pain, a bit of a tummy, occasional leaking. They feel weak in their daily tasks and feel like their body is falling apart.
They are scared to exercise or even move for fear of doing damage.
And that sucks. A lot. It’s a terrible feeling and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone
You CAN feel so much stronger in your body, you CAN improve the way your body looks and performs. You CAN feel really confident to do everything you have to do in your daily life AND whatever movement you want to do in your exercise life.
You can. You should. And I want to help you do it.
Before you join me in The Complete Postpartum Programme you need to know I don't have any tricks or potions or magic spells.
I don’t have any “quick fixes” or “magic bullets.”
What I have - all I have - is real, straight forward, science-based and time-tested strategies proven to get you results… AS LONG AS you are willing to put in the work.

For many years I’ve worked exclusively with 1-on-1 clients and have had amazing results.
The problem is, that type of coaching is very expensive, so many can’t afford it. And there’s only so many people I can work with at once, so I wasn’t able to help as many people as I wanted.
That was the worst part. Because I didn’t get into coaching to make money. (LOL, if anyone does, they’re in for quite the surprise.)
I got into coaching to help people. Specifically mums. As many people as I possibly could. And it got to a point where I realized 1-on-1 wasn’t the best way to do that.
Because now you can get unlimited access to my all time BEST workouts, my Foundational Programme for Beginners and New Mums, Educational Programme, and Intermediate and Advanced Programmes, fat-loss advice and all future programmes as well as my members-only accountability group all in one spot.
And, best of all, you get it at a fraction of the cost you’d pay to work with me 1-on-1
Literally everything you will ever need to recover from birth, strengthen your core and entire body, resolve pain, and improve mobility is all available in my Complete Postpartum Programme, including:

foundational programme
A super manageable programme for beginners and new mums, that is customizable to you and your needs.
Made up of 4-5 levels of Core, Mobility and Strength workouts that are just 10-12 minutes long.

Guidance on healing from a vaginal or cesarean birth, resolving back pain and diastasis recti.

intermediate home
For more advanced exercisers that have completed the foundational programme and need a more structured, independent strength programme to take them beyond the basics.

NO bs nutrition and fat-loss advice
The Fat-loss programme will give you the basics for sustainable, manageable fat loss that doesn’t make you go bat shit crazy.

Ongoing Motivation & support
In the members only private forum, we keep it small and private. I personally answer all your questions and you can contact me personally via email, we can even jump on a call! Anything to help you out!

Access to all future modules
Including gym programmes, handstand and pullup programmes, and so much more….
what my members think

I needed an exercise program that was realistic, took into consideration what my body just went through and is going through and offers me tons of support.
When Jen told me her online program fit the bill, it was hard to believe. I'm in such bad shape, it can't be someone actually created a program geared towards someone like me.
But it's better than I could have hoped. This is such a methodical postpartum exercise program. I'm so excited to be getting back my strength after such a physically difficult year.

THANK YOU Jen for making this programme! After being cleared to exercise at 6 weeks post c-section, I was completely lost with what to do in my new strange body.
Then I began this programme and was relieved to learn about all my body changes and how to start recovering. As I became more educated, I started incorporating daily c-section scar massage, breathing techniques and modified exercises into my routine. I learned not only how to strengthen my body, but to accept it.
This programme is a MUST for every mom postpartum and should be included in every post-birth care package!! Highly recommend!
money-back guarantee
If you're not happy with the programme for any reason, you can get your money back within the first 30 days. guaranteed.
by the way...
You’ll probably be happy to hear the cost is way less than you think…
When you join the CPP you get INSTANT ACCESS to every workout, to me and the the members-only support portal for only $35/month.
That’s just a tiiiiiiiny bit more that $1/day… and you can cancel anytime!
CPp support group

The key to succeeding with any new habit is having a community to share your journey with and be accountable to.
When you join the Complete Postpartum Programme,
you’ll have access to a private Facebook Group where you can ask questions, share stories, connect with other mothers on the course and catch my weekly Facebook Live where I'll answer all of your questions.
To make sure that you get the advice you need, the group will be 'wo-manned' by both Liron Murphy; Women’s Health and Orthopaedic Physiotherapist, trained in Australia with a decade of experience in the field and myself, Pre- and Postnatal Fitness Specialist.

